Use Creative Techniques in Agile Design for Better Business Processes

“Agile” techniques usually make little reference to established creativity theories and techniques, and integrating creative thinking into agile processes is a challenge.

September 2016

What Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison and other creative geniuses have in common is that rather than waiting for creative ideas to strike them, they focus on trying to solve a clearly stated problem.

Problem solving is highly interrelated with the processes usually referred to as thinking, learning, memory, transfer, perception and motivation (Voss 1989). Though many people find that creative thinking and problem solving are closely related, there are also some important distinctions.

Distinctions between Problem Solving and Creative Thinking
Distinctions between Problem Solving and Creative Thinking
 Problem SolvingCreative Thinking
GeneralMore objective and more consistent with the factsMore personal, less fixed and tends to include more intuition
PurposeClosing the gap between what is said and what is desiredGuides us in generating and selecting alternatives
Task definitionWell-defined and clearly structuredFuzzy, ill-defined and ambiguous
Process: The nature of the pathway toward the solutionWell-known method, a clear and standard approach is available, and the pathway is determined and simply directed towards a goal, usually externalNo known or determined method, the approach is extremely complex
Goal: The nature of the desired outcome or the results obtainedOutcomes that are readily available or already exist. The challenge for the problem solver is to discover them.The needed outcome is not currently or readily available. Achieved something new.

Table: Brief overview based on several scholars’ thinking

Sources: Isaksen, S. G. & De Schryver, L. (2000). Making a difference with CPS: A summary of the evidence. In S. G. Isaksen, (Ed.), Facilitative leadership: Making a difference with creative problem solving (pp. 187-248).  Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing; Voss, J. F. (1989).  Problem solving and the educational process. In A. Lesgold & R. Glaser (Eds.), Foundations for a psychology of education (pp. 251-294). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum; Isaksen, S. G. (2016) CPS: Linking Creativity and Problem Solving, [Online], Available: [18 Aug 2016]; Hollis, B. and Maiden, N. (2013) Extending Agile Processes with Creativity Techniques, Washington: Washington: The IEEE Computer Society

Referenced techniques



Brainstorming is one of the best-known techniques available for creative problem-solving. This concept describes the technique and explores its benefits and weaknesses. It goes on to set out procedures for organising effective brainstorming sessions and offers some examples of brainstorming drawn from past experiences of renowned organisations.


Adaptation Innovation Theory

The adaptation innovation theory has helped organisations to understand problem solving and cognitive style. Consider case study evidence, success factors and practical implementation steps to discover where individuals in your organisation are placed on along the continuum scale.


Group Dynamics

Group dynamics can be used as a means for problem-solving, team work, and to become more innovative and productive as an organisation as whole. The concept will provide you with the strengths, success factors and measures of group dynamics, along with other professional tools.

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