Business in brief library

Strategy and Planning Techniques

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Good succession planning is the key to future proof your organisation. This concept explains how to ensure a consistent effort to create a pool of high potential candidates who possess the critical competencies to step up to critical roles.

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Supply Chain Performance Measures

Supply Chain Performance Measures

Supply chain performance measures are critical for maximising value in the supply chain and maintaining oversight. The types of measures that companies should use and their advantages and drawbacks are provided, alongside useful information on implementing a supply chain performance measurement system.

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Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply Chain Risk Management

The concept reviews the literature, presents some examples and determines the main advantages, capabilities and success factors of the SCRM. It aims to provide an understanding of the business requirements needed for supply chain risk management from a practitioner perspective.

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Supply Chain Security Management

Supply Chain Security Management

The concept reviews the risks and challenges related to important aspects of security and threats, including piracy, terrorism and theft. The aim of the concept is to equip managers with the knowledge essential for effective supply chain management and risk mitigation.

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Survivorship Bias

Survivorship Bias

Survivorship bias is the focus on survivors instead of a broader context that includes those that did not survive. It appears in many arenas: athletics, business, entertainment. For every success, there are others who did not succeed. To properly judge success we must also view failure. Lacking this broader context, we make less-informed decisions.

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Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is a highly influential technique that all leaders should understand. The advantages of systems thinking in a business context are explained and how managers and leaders can develop systems thinking to improve organisational performance.

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T-Shaped People

T-Shaped People

Expand creativity and innovation in your company by attracting T-shaped people.

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The Golden Thread

The Golden Thread

The “Golden Thread” is a performance framework that explains how an organisation’s goals, values and vision are aligned and woven into the fabric of the organisational hierarchy. The concept explains how the Golden Thread can be applied within an organisation and the benefits of having a shared vision and clear performance metrics.

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"As the line manager of a senior team member enrolled in the Senior Leader apprenticeship, I've witnessed firsthand how the functions, skills, study elements, and learning have enhanced the knowledge of the individual. "


"KnowledgeBrief are best in class for their Leadership and Management training, highly professional and extremely knowledgeable coaches"

Wiltshire Council

"My Apprenticeship through Wiltshire Council with KnowledgeBrief has enabled me to have a wider understanding of management principles. The guidance given was invaluable to enable me to obtain my chartered management qualification with Distinction."

Wiltshire Council

"Throughout the course, I was guided and supported by skilled Personal Learning Advisors and attended informative workshops. By gaining my CMI qualification in leadership & management, I have been able to advance my career to the next level in management."

AVIS Budget Group

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CLIC Sargent

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AVIS Budget Group

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Tata Chemicals Europe

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"It doesn’t matter what stage you are at in your Leadership or Management career, a Level 3 or 5 course will make you a better leader."

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