Business in brief library

Human Resources Techniques

Action Learning

Action Learning

Action learning is a learning and problem-solving technique often used in organisations. The concept places an emphasis on the benefits of this strategy, reviews its main weaknesses, and demonstrates how action learning is used in organisations.

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Active Listening

Active Listening

The ability to listen is often confused with the ability to hear. Real listening takes energy, focus and commitment to the speaker. The ability to truly understand what a coachee is saying is invaluable as a coach and can be the difference between positive or negative outcomes.

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Agency Theory

Agency Theory

Agency theory is a useful framework for designing governance and controls in organisations. The concept offers a solid introduction to the topic by evaluating its strengths and weaknesses and uses case study evidence to demonstrate how the theory has been applied in different industries and contexts. Measures and success factors are also provided.

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Recently, apprenticeship schemes have gained importance and more companies are introducing them to attract the right candidates. The concept reviews the benefits and drawbacks of these programmes in organisations and offers implementation steps and practical advice on how to get it right.

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Assessing Health and Safety

Assessing Health and Safety

Stay healthy and compliant to increase productivity

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Asymmetric Information

Asymmetric Information

Understanding information asymmetry is fundamental to successful business interactions and negotiations, as companies and consumers invariably hold imperfect information about one another. Using case studies and critical success factors, the concept explains how companies can use information asymmetry to their advantage.

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Attribution Theory

Attribution Theory

Attribution theory gives managers and employees an essential perspective on understanding the behaviour of others. The concept explains the types of mistakes we make in understanding others; details the strengths and drawbacks of the theory; and describes how the theory can be successfully applied and measured in practice.

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Authority, Autocracy, Autonomy

Authority, Autocracy, Autonomy

Highly effective leaders develop styles that are clearly aligned with their team and organisational culture. Important differences between leadership styles are described, with case studies from across industries to highlight the benefits and drawbacks.

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Backsourcing describes the process of when a firm recalls back in-house the services that it previously outsourced to another company. Clearly identifiable implementation stages are provided and potential risks and drawbacks are discussed.

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Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard

This concept offers a practical guide to using the Balanced Scorecard and is designed to assist executives to benefit from this strategic management technique.

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Behaviourist Psychology

Behaviourist Psychology

The main assumption of behaviourism is that we are born a blank slate and all behaviour is learnt from the environment. This concept looks at the notion of motivation and reviews the impact of system-wide factors on the individual.

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Big Five / Five-Factor Model

Big Five / Five-Factor Model

This depicts a theory that describes personality using five basic traits and shows how the model has been used to assess employee absence, expatriate success, job performance and teamwork.

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Bounded Rationality Model of Decision-Making

Bounded Rationality Model of Decision-Making

The concept provides a review of the practical decision-making process and explores the model’s strengths, limitations and implications by comparing it to the rational behaviour model.

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Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Businesses face ethical issues and decisions almost every day. The concept explores what is means for companies and what they can do to coordinate the interests of their stakeholders.

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Change Agents

Change Agents

Irrespective of the magnitude of a change that takes place within an organisation, there needs to be a change agent. Learn about the roles and attributes that change agents can adopt and consider the case study evidence and practical application steps provided.

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Wiltshire Council

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AVIS Budget Group

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