Business in brief library

Sales and Marketing Techniques

Paradigm and Paradigm Shifting

Paradigm and Paradigm Shifting

Paradigms are generally defined as a framework that has unwritten rules and that directs actions. A paradigm shift occurs when one paradigm loses its influence and another takes over. The concept defines paradigm and paradigm shift and explains how it can relate to company strategies and industry cycles.

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Price Discrimination

Price Discrimination

The concept describes the basics of price discrimination and the conditions required for discrimination to occur. It offers examples across sectors and elaborates on its benefits and drawbacks.

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Pricing Models

Pricing Models

This concept will help professionals to better understand the methods and strategies for leveraging pricing power in their company’s daily operations. It is supported by industry examples, professional tools and additional resources.

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Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle

Product life cycle refers to the stages through which a product or a product category bypass. The concept describes the four stages and offers some practical suggestions on how companies can use product life cycle information in their strategy development and marketing operations.

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Public Relations

Public Relations

The goal of this concept is to provide an understanding of the nature of the profession and practice of public relations. This concept covers the development and history of PR, major theories that inform it, role and position of PR in the organisation, and skills and requirements for success in PR.

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Quality Management

Quality Management

The concept focuses on quality management practices and their role in establishing and sustaining competitive advantage. It reviews the main capabilities, success factors and useful implementation information.

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Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing

The concept explains what relationship marketing is and describes the key principles upon which it is based. It offers the tools, strengths and success factors that will help organisations to tackle many issues relating to customer relationship management.

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Relationship Selling

Relationship Selling

The concept explains how organisations should leverage relationship selling to build strong, enduring relationships with customers. It describes the process of effectively aligning customers with company offerings and details the strengths and limitations of relationship selling as a marketing technique.

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Sales and Marketing Alignment

Sales and Marketing Alignment

When marketing and sales teams align, they can create dramatic improvements in marketing ROI. The concept explores the benefits of achieving alignment between marketing and sales departments and provides useful information on its implementation.

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Sales Force Effectiveness

Sales Force Effectiveness

Sales force effectiveness (SFE) is driven by the decisions, processes, systems and programmes that sales leaders are accountable for. Indicators and universal rules for sales success are discussed, alongside examples of business application, potential strengths, limitations and success factors.

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Sales Intelligence Solution and Sales Force Automation

Sales Intelligence Solution and Sales Force Automation

The concept explores the two processes that utilise technologies, applications and practices for the collection and presentation of sales information and to track and automate sales processes.

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Sales Process and Sales Cycle

Sales Process and Sales Cycle

This concept examines the process and stages between receiving an order and converting the sale to cash. The concept offers examples of business applications of the sales cycle, its main advantages and limitations, as well as useful success factors.

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Sales Techniques

Sales Techniques

Certain “principles” which can be applied in any selling scenario to increase sales, customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth are shared, along with practical case evidence and success factors to provide salespeople with the methods to take control of the sales process.

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Scientific Retailing

Scientific Retailing

Scientific retailing is all about improving the customer experience through technological advancements - in-store and online. The concept explains the strengths and limitations of scientific retailing and provides illustrative case studies of retailers in different industries that have successfully used these tools and methods.

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