Business in brief library

Operations Techniques



The concept has been designed to assist managers and business owners to set groups of experts who drop out of mainstream company operations in order to develop something new in secrecy or at speed. This theory provides an overview on how skunkworks groups work and how to implement them in an organisation.

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Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis

The concept reviews the development of social network analysis, its origins, and main contributors. It introduces the basic concepts and methods of social network analysis, their capabilities and limitations, as well as their business applications.

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Split Sourcing

Split Sourcing

Split sourcing increases the chances of product availability and can lead to cost savings. The concept provides carefully selected case studies and practical advice on implementation.

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Strategic Alignment

Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment is a fundamental business concept that determines the competitiveness of an organisation. The concept explains how organisations can better achieve strategic alignment to increase growth and profitability - even in the toughest markets and economic climates.

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Strategic Business Units

Strategic Business Units

A strategic business unit is a separate, specialised subsystem in the company which acts as an independent company. Having SBU assists organisations to plan their strategies and make manufacturing decisions. The concept provides a review of the critical issues on an SBU benefits and success factors.

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Strategy Map

Strategy Map

The concept explains how organisations can use strategy maps as an essential tool in their strategy and planning activities. It describes how organisations have successfully used strategy maps to achieve strategic alignment and identifies the steps required to apply the concept in practice.

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AVIS Budget Group

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