Business in brief library

Operations Techniques

Emergent Change

Emergent Change

The concept provides a description of the emergent change process, the type of change that is not in an organisation's agenda - it simply manifests in our social systems when the underlying components have achieved a new order that give way to new behaviours.

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Empowering Employees

Empowering Employees

More than 70% of organisations today practice some form of empowerment initiative. The concept explains how companies introduce empowerment practices and the reasons they are pursuing when doing so.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning

Implementing a ERP system is a time consuming, difficult process. You will learn where problems arise and what measures and steps need to be in place to implement successfully.

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Ethical Purchasing/Ethical Procurement

Ethical Purchasing/Ethical Procurement

The purpose of ethical purchasing is to promote good labour and environmental standards in supply chains. The concept reviews the main issues related to ethics in purchasing and presents some useful implementation information.

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Exit Strategies

Exit Strategies

Exit strategies and contract escape clauses are particularly relevant for those dealing with outsourcing and subcontracting. The concept reviews the term ‘exit strategies’ and discusses how firms should approach and anticipate the ending of contracting relationships between buyers and suppliers.

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Discover how technology will disrupt financial services in a wave of transformations not seen since the introduction of credit cards in the ‘50s.

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Flat / Horizontal Organisation

Flat / Horizontal Organisation

Traditionally, organisations were organised vertically. This concept presents an alternative way of defining organisational structure as horizontal or flat, and explores its advantages and drawbacks.

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Forward Integration

Forward Integration

Forward integration is one of three types of vertical integration, where companies in a supply chain are united through a common owner. This concept will help managers to differentiate between forward and backward integration and gain insights into its implementation steps and success measures.

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Franchising is an important business growth strategy and marketing system that can boost turnover without the need to increase assets. The concept explains the advantages and drawbacks of this strategy and describes how some of the world's most iconic brands have built successful franchising businesses.

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Freedom of Information Act 2000

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 encourages organisations to work in a responsible manner. By adopting a policy of openness, organisations can engender greater public trust and confidence. Implementation steps are presented and strengths and drawbacks of the legislation are discussed.

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Future Supply Chains

Future Supply Chains

The future supply chain vision encompasses concepts for infrastructure sharing that go beyond common practices. This concept reviews the current state of supply chains and presents a conceptual approach that illustrates how the likelihood of change in the future.

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Green Logistics

Green Logistics

The concept reviews the notion of green logistics and describes some of the problems that arise when companies adopt it. Strengths, implementation steps and business evidence provided will help organisations make a more informed decision about benefits of green logistics and transforming their supply chains.

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Group Dynamics

Group Dynamics

Group dynamics can be used as a means for problem-solving, team work, and to become more innovative and productive as an organisation as whole. The concept will provide you with the strengths, success factors and measures of group dynamics, along with other professional tools.

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Group Norms

Group Norms

Norms determine how effective a group will be and may influence factors like the degree of cooperation. Practical case evidence and implementation steps can help leaders to initiate project groups that will succeed at delivering end goals.

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