Business in brief library

Human Resources Techniques

Locus of Control

Locus of Control

Locus of control has been applied to learning theory, leadership and organisational behaviour and entrepreneurship. Implementation steps for improving positive work behaviours and performance are presented alongside business evidence and success factors.

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Management by Objectives

Management by Objectives

This concept describes the popular management by objectives approach. It offers insights into the strengths and drawbacks of this technique using research evidence and case studies from across different industries, as well as advice on effective implementation.

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Managing Global Virtual Teams

Managing Global Virtual Teams

Improve productivity by 5%+, save on property costs and lead on staff retention by managing virtual teams well.

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Matrix Management

Matrix Management

The concept explains how organisations design matrix structures to create dual-reporting structures. It illustrates with case study examples across different industries and sectors the advantages and disadvantages of this organisational form and some of the success factors for designing effective matrix structures.

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The concept explains the value of introducing formal mentoring schemes within organisations. It also explains the typical characteristics of a formally-structured mentoring programme, together with the most common implementation steps and objectives which are normally agreed by the mentor and their protégé.

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Motivator-Hygiene Theory

Motivator-Hygiene Theory

Motivation-hygiene theory suggests that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are produced by different work factors. The goal of this concept is to describe practical applications of the theory and equip managers with the knowledge on how to use its elements to improve employee motivation and engagement.

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Neurolinguistic Programming

Neurolinguistic Programming

NLP has its origins in therapy, as do many models used in coaching, however, where NLP differs is its focus on how the mind programmes itself and how, with time and effort, it can ultimately be reprogrammed using language, sensations and gestures etc.

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Neuroscience offers a deep understanding of the way we think and act. Case studies present the solutions adopted by companies to implement these new findings in their organisation, improving performances and results.

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Organisation Development

Organisation Development

OD interventions aim to find out the root cause of problems so that robust, sustainable solutions can be implemented. Application advice, typical success factors and measures provide practical advice on how to succeed with OD projects.

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Organisation Theory

Organisation Theory

Organisational theory puts substantial emphasis on people in organisations and how they are treated. An overview of the theory’s and strengths and drawbacks, measurement and focus areas helps leaders apply the principles in practice.

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Organisational Behaviour Modification

Organisational Behaviour Modification

This concept explores perspectives on organisational behaviour through the examination and revision of the literature in the field. It provides a concise step-by-step guide of how to modify an individual's behaviour to improve performance.

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This concepts describes the operational transfer of one or more business processes from an origin company to an external provider. It explains the potential benefits of outsourcing and also the many risks and drawbacks that all companies need to be aware of.

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