Business in brief library

Finance Techniques

Budgeting Processes

Budgeting Processes

This concept describes purposes and uses of budgets in organisations and identifies stages of the 'traditional' budgeting process. It also describes some of the benefits of effective budgeting and assesses some of its limitations.

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Business Cycle

Business Cycle

The concept defines and describes the business cycle and reviews different explanations, types and leading theories that explain business cycles.

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Business Valuation

Business Valuation

This concept introduces Business evaluation as a business assessment method. It is designed to give you a better understanding of investment decisions and issues surrounding business evaluation.

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Capital Asset Pricing Model

Capital Asset Pricing Model

The concept introduces the CAPM term and its components and looks at the theory, advantages and disadvantages of the model. You will understand how CAPM can be used to estimate the cost of equity by introducing the asset beta formula.

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Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. The concept describes how Cash flow forecasting can be used to avoid liquidity problems, and describes how to estimate the amount of cash required, how to know when it is required, for how long it is required, as well as an overview of the various forecasting techniques.

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Cash Flow Statement and Management

Cash Flow Statement and Management

Cash Flow Statements enable managers to properly plan and coordinate financial operations. This concept is designed to assist business owners and managers to recognise how to monitor cash flow more closely and improve internal finances.

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Cash Management

Cash Management

Business analysts report that poor management is the main reason for business failure. This concept describes the basics of cash management and ways to maximise cash flow.

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Coase Theorem

Coase Theorem

The concept explains one of the most influential theories in economics. It describes the fundamental principles of the theory - as well as its strengths and weaknesses - and illustrates the theory in use through various case study examples.

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Coefficient of Elasticity

Coefficient of Elasticity

The concept describes the importance of understanding the price elasticity of demand. The concept explains how the quantity demanded of a good or service responds to a change in the price of that good or service and provides case studies of organisations that apply the coefficient of elasticity to perform better.

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Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) is a business practice that combines the intelligence of multiple trading partners in the planning and fulfilment of customer demand. The concept describes the CPFR process model, including the major capabilities and underlying success factors.

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Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage is a fundamental principle of management in competitive economies. This concept is designed to help business owners to rapidly understand those resources that allow business entities to develop and maintain an edge over competitors.

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Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence

Competitive intelligence concept is designed to aid managers and business owners in their decisions through competitive intelligence. You will gain an understanding of how to gather intelligence and use it to achieve organisational goals.

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Consolidated Accounting

Consolidated Accounting

Consolidated accounts combine the financial statements of separate legal entities controlled by a parent company into a set of financial statements for the entire group of companies. The concepts explain the advantages and drawbacks of this approach, how to implement it and various measures and success factors.

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Consumer Price Index

Consumer Price Index

The concept describes the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as an important economic indicator used by governments around the world. It explains how the CPI is calculated and why, and provides an overview of its strengths and weaknesses, as well as implementation advice.

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Consumption Expenditure

Consumption Expenditure

The concept describes the important economic principle of consumer expenditure. It explains its major strengths and weaknesses and provides step-by-step implementation advice and case study evidence of the concept in use.

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